Friday, December 27, 2019

Approaching 2020

      As we approach the end of the year, we think about resolutions and changes that we may be intending to make for 2020. With Christmas and all of the parties, the cookies, the candy and the drinks...we may have overdone it just a little bit.  However, that's what makes the holidays great, good times with our family and friends. 
      The sign behind my head really sums up how you should approach the changes you wish to make.  Just take it day by day.  You need to take small steps and make a plan that works for you.  Don't try to change everything all at once, you may become discouraged quickly.   If you decide you would like to lose some weight, do what is right for you.  Not everyone can follow the Keto Diet, but may do well with Intermittent Fasting.  Some people like the flexibility of Weight Watchers and all of the choices while others think that counting all the points just makes it difficult. There are many options out there but we all know, if you burn more calories than you take in you will lose weight.  You have to look at your daily routine and decide what fits into your lifestyle
     Becoming more active is a good goal to strive for.  Little changes may increase your flexibility and improve how you feel.  It will also help you to lose weight and burn those calories. Small changes in your daily routine including walking, taking the stairs, riding a bike or lifting some small weights over your head while watching TV.  They may lead to bigger changes like running, jumping on a trampoline or hiking.  Do what you can, it will make a big difference in your life.

One day at a time...