Saturday, July 9, 2022

“S" Is For Spice


There are a number of diets that people partake in. There are Vegans, Ketos and Plexitarians  to name a few. But regardless of the main part of your particular meal, nutrients and flavor can be enhanced by adding a little spice.


One major spice employed by different cultures around the world and with a number of cuisines, is cinnamon. Cinnamon could be used on vegetables, animal proteins, and in drinks. Additionally, cinnamon has historically been used as a medicine and offers many health benefits.



          -Has anti-Inflammatory properties

          -Is full of Antioxidants

          -Can reduce blood-sugar spikes

         -Improves Insulin sensitivity

          -Helps protect Neurons

         -Inhibit build up of proteins in the            brain that may lead to dementia

         -Is thermogenic, which warms your         body and can boost metabolism


Why the sloth? Sloths eat mostly vegetables but will, if the mood hits them, eat eggs or grubs. But more importantly, sloths take their time in everything they do, and do everything with a sense of purpose. They don’t blindly eat while watching TV, the don’t text while eating and they don’t eat past being full. In those aspects, we should all try to eat a little more like a sloth.




Be “Mindful in Munching,” and spice-up your life

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