Saturday, December 31, 2011

Year's end

As the year draws to an end, I once again choose to run today. I ran a little later than I usually do, and was not too surprised to see more runners out and about than I normally do. Many other people are out today, and more will be out tomorrow as part of a resolution. They will profess to get in shape, eat better, be better. I too, will try to end 2012 in better shape than I start it. However, I will not do a whole lot different than I have been for decades. Maybe eat a little better, but in all honesty I do not drink soda, or eat very many chips and I Do eat all my veggies. Maybe I'll run a little farther, or a little faster. Only time will tell how well we all do. Whatever your plans, whatever your motivation, just "keep on, keepin on."

Be active, be happy.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Almost Christmas

Tomorrow is Christmas. Yesterday in Scranton it was almost 50 degrees. That's unseasonably warm for this time of year. Maybe there is something to this global warming stuff. That's too bad for the polar bears, but nice for running.  I did about 4 slow miles than a little stretching. While stretching after a run, I try to take all of my joints through a complete range of motion. I'm hoping that this will enable me to keep moving as I age. My hips and shoulders already bind up a bit and I am afraid of losing what I still have. I do not do this before a run, a lot of people think that you should only stretch a little before exrcise and stretch more after being completely warmed up (as in a run). I am with that group of thinkers. After the run though, I make sure to roll my ankles, my knees, my hips, my shoulders, my wrists and my neck. A few slow rolls in one direction, then in the other. For me, it almost sounds like popcorn, or extra loud rice crispies. Well, maybe NOT that bad, but it is not totally quiet either.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Fund raiser

We went out tonight. There was a fundraiser at a local bar. The wife of a guy I know has lung cancer. It seems like a lot of people I know have had cancer lately. Some of them were smokers, but not all of them were. Some have been fairly fit, some, not so much.

It is important to me to be reasonably fit, but there is only so much control over our lives that we can exhibit. We try to stay fit, we try to live good lives, and we take what life gives us.

At the bar tonight, one of the "celebrity bartenders" was Mayor Chris Doherty. I would have loved to get his ear about the parking, but I behaved.

Be fit, be prepared, and maybe pray.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Taking a ride

I was in the mood for something a little different today. That happens from time to time. I decided to go for a short run  then do a little more. I ran a fairly quick 2 miles on a course that I do sometimes if my time is short. This time, however, after I got back, instead of walking for 5 or so blocks and then stretching, I jumped right onto our recumbent bike. This prepares me minimally for a biathlon. A biathlon is two events. One event is running and the other is biking, though they can be any two events. Sometimes a biathlon consists of a mountain bike ride and a canoe race. Usually, however, a biathlon (sometimes called a duathlon), starts with a run, goes to a bike ride, then finishes with a 2nd run.

There is one of these races in Sandy Hook, NJ that I have done a few times. It does not have to be a very long race. I think the one in Sandy Hook was 2 miles running; 12 or 15 miles on a bike; then a second run of about 3 miles. It has been a while, so the distances may be off just a bit. The whole thing was over in about 1 1/2 hours. I used to do races at the shore in NJ because I got to do my thing, and my family got a mini vacation out of it. 

Be active, sit down but don't relax just yet

'Tis the season

'Tis the season... to "Paaaaarrrtay"!  We went to a Christmas party for Joann's work last night. The word "Christmas" may not be politically correct for a work party, but for MY blog that is the word that I am using. It was a fairly decent party considering I did not know anyone. A little food, a little open bar (beer and wine only) and a little DJ action. I drank enough to dance, but obviously not enough to dance well. I had a good time though, and Joann had a good time, or maybe she was just amused at my dancing.  I am fairly well coordinated and fairly fit. I have been more fit, yet that had no effect on my ability to dance. It is important to be fit enough to be able to move but dancing is more of a natural movement thing than a fitness thing after a point. You can't be in such bad shape that you can't move, but to dance well you need to practice and/or have natural ability. Good or bad though, moving (and even bad dancing counts as moving) burns calories. Burning calories helps you stay fit. Staying fit helps you dance. It is a cycle, but it is a healthy cycle.

Stay active, dance

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Light in the night

It is December and almost 50 degrees. I took advantage of the weather by going out for a run and by hanging Christmas lights. I'm not going to say whether the single lights on the right are mine, or the ones farther down the road on the left that require the nuclear power plant in Berwick to put on extra workers, but everyone knows what a modest person I am.

The weather is going to break in the next day or two and it will be cooler and rainy. I'm not really looking forward to cooler weather, but I am looking forward to the end of the semester. My last semester as an undergrad. It is a little early to celebrate, none the less........
Be active, be happy, get things done.....

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Run-down town

It was not too bad running today. The weather was in the upper 40's and the sun was out for most of the day. I chose to run in town. About a block from Scranton Prep, a private high school, is a dismal looking side of town. There are a few warehouses there, some for sale, some unused and some in use but still looking drab.

The show "The Office" uses one of these warehouses in the introduction each week, but I'm not sure which one. They also use a few random shots from around town. One thing that you never see on the show, is the amount of cars parked on the sidewalk. You never see the kids walking in the street on their way to school. You never see veterans or other disabled people in wheelchairs in the road because some ignorant person parked on the sidewalk, and some cop chose to ignore that infraction. Television is pretend though, not real life.

Be active, physically and politically

Friday, December 2, 2011

Sunny and chilly

It was a sunny day, though a little chilly, and I opted to run at Lake Scranton. I'm not sure how they treat that path when the snow starts to fly. The lake looked serene and peaceful, not at all evident of the chill in the air. A lot of the path is in the shade, and without the sun beating on your face and shoulders, it can be a bit too cool, especially after a sweat starts to dampen your shirt. Being a loop however, forces you forward. There is no shortcut half way around. You go forward or you go back, those are your options. It felt good, but after I finished I caught a chill fairly quick. I did come across two younger men (in their 20's) that were running in shorts and running shirts (sleeveless). They were running in the opposite direction and I was glad not to have to follow them. They made me cold just seeing them.

Be active, have fun

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Late and dark

Today is my late day at ESU. By time I got home it was dark and cool. I was not in the mood for a run, consequently I jumped on a recumbent bike that we have, and rode for a bit. I try to vary my speed and resistance when I ride the bike. A recumbent bike is a little like reclining. Your feet are in front of you. I do not know the purpose of this design (if there is a purpose). We bought it a few years ago and it seems to do the trick.

An hour later I was sweating pretty good and after a quick stretch, I hit the shower. The good thing about indoor equipment is that the weather does not matter. The down side is that in the winter, when the windows are sealed, if you work up a good sweat too often, your house smells like a gym. That is not a good thing. It is not necessarily a bad thing. Just get some some sort of air freshener.

Be active: fit, fun, fresh

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Not 60 or sunny

It was quite a bit cooler today that it has been. It rained yesterday and that brought lousy weather with it. None the less, hitting the pavement was a necessity. I am not really too fond of the rain, so I passed on yesterday's run, but in hindsight, I would have preferred it to todays wind.

On top of the weather, I was running around at the same time the President was in town. His wife is an advocate of fitness and keeping active. I would have loved to get a chance to talk to her about the restricted use of our sidewalks. Alas, no such chance. Maybe next time, but I doubt it.

Not only did I not get a chance to interact with Michelle Obama, I had to put up with the traffic tie-ups of him riding around town.

A good note of his trip to Scranton, however, was that for some reason he stopped at the house of my pseudo brother-in-law's neighbor, and he and and his family got to meet the president. That was pretty cool for them and they made the local news. Pat and his family are all fairly active and they none of looked bad on camera. How would you fair? Perhaps it is time to get active.

Be active, company may be coming

Saturday, November 26, 2011

60 and sunny

The weather was great yesterday for a run, and it is nice again today. Good for gettting out and pounding the sidewalks. I figure all of the "crazies" are at the mall or Walmart. I just tried to be careful and pay more attention to traffic than I usually do. I can be arrogant, but I am not suicidal. This is about me being active until I die, and while I did tie my shoes today, I am not choosing to die this particular day. I did a fairly quick 4 miles, enjoying the sun and the fresh air, knowing that all too soon it will be cold and windy and miserable. I will still run when it is miserable out, but I enjoy it more on days like today.
Stay active, Be Good, Santa is watching

Friday, November 25, 2011

"Pie please"

It is Thanksgiving's weekend, a time for eating and partying. It is just the beginning of the overeating season. In the next 6 weeks we will enjoy pies and Christmas cookies, nut rolls and pastries. We can choose to gorge ourselves and then lay around (like our "pudder" here) or we can watch everything we eat and not enjoy the tastier aspects of this season, or we can still enjoy the flavors of the season (in moderation) and exercise a little more.

We all have busy lives, and are just a bit busier during this time of year. However, we can still enjoy all that life has to offer, and still find some time a few days a week to get some blood pumping.

Running, riding a bike or even just walking makes that pie taste a little sweeter. A few push-ups or sit-ups will make it a little easier to resist that additional cookie. Somehow, it just works out that way. So enjoy the season, and enjoy the comraderie of friends and family. Eat the cookies, and then burn off most of the calories. Enjoy life, but beware of  looking like this cat.

Be Active, Be Happy, Taste Life

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving Thanks

We all have our own little things to be thankful for. I have 3 healthy kids (adults), a good pseudo step son, a couple of ex-wives that never had me arrested or killed. I also have a beautiful woman in my life that most times I get along fine with. I  have sisters and the memory of a brother and nieces and nephews that range in age from 23 to almost 50 years old. I am in fair shape for a guy that has put himself through the stuff that I've done (I have put myself through some rigorous demands).

I could try to remember the good times that I had watching television, or playing board games (I've done those things too). But I choose to remember the times that I was active, or at least watched activity. I remember watching my daughter play soccer, my boys play football, and all of us doing karate. I am thankful for those memories. I remember running while my kids rode bicycles along with me. I am also thankful for the memory of a nephew today.

There is a 10 mile race in Berwick, which is a town about 45 minutes from here. Every Thanksgiving they have the "Race for the Diamonds." I did that race once. It happened around 1980, maybe '81. My nephew who was about 12 at the time had started running and wanted to run it with me. So we did.  Needless to say, neither of us won, but we both finished. That was his 1st race. He went on to run many more races. A few years ago, my nephew, Bobby John (no one but family called him that, I'm sure), exited an aircraft for a fun day of skydiving. His parachute deployed, then malfunctioned. I know I could be thankful for the dinner we shared, or the pie, but I'm thankful for that run, and the sweat we both shed on that Thanksgiving Day so long ago.

Be Active, make memories

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My high horse: food wise

I know that this blog is about fitness. It is about being active. A little about eating right, and a lot about moving. Nonetheless, I am watching Chopped. It is a show where 4 different chefs compete making 3 courses of a meal, and after each course, one chef is "chopped" or thrown off the show. The chef that is left at the end of the show gets $10,000. Tonight's episode is featuring 4 school cafeteria cooks. One of the judges is the White House chef. He explains that 1 in 4 American children is going to bed hungry.

I am NOT against the international need for charity. I am NOT against giving to Haiti or Darfur. All that said, I think way too often we give to these foreign causes while here at home, our own children need help.

By all means give where you can, when you can. Just don't forget that charity is needed here also. In the meantime, be active and be fit so you can live long enough, to give enough, to make a difference.

Be active, have fun, stay "hungry"

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Fast twitch

There are two basic types of skeletal muscle. This is the kind of muscle that is responsible for body movement. I am not talking about voluntary versus involuntary or striated versus cardiac muscles. I am only talking about voluntary skeletal muscle. The muscles that you know as quadraceps or hamstrings. You know them as your biceps and calves.

There are slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscles. Slow twitch muscle are pretty much slow, long endurance muscles. Marathon runners would have more slow twitch mucles. Fast twitch muscles are explosive but tire quickly. Basketball players and football running backs have more of these.

Everyone has some of each. Most people will just naturally have more of one than the other. However, you can increase the type you want by working at specific exercises. If you want more slow twitch muscles, because you want to keep moving for a long time, work on longer, slower workouts. Running 3 plus miles would work for that. If you want more explosive muscles, because you play volleyball or do karate, you can develope these also. One exercise type would be plyometrics. Jumping jacks are a form of plyometrics. Think about anything short term that requires quick movement. Another way to work on fast twtich muscles is sprinting up steps.

You have a combination of both muscle types, and you need both types. Depending on your sport of choice though, you can work on the mucle type you desire. You want to be fit enough to be active and play as you mature, but sometimes you also want to win.

Step up to fitness

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Lights part 2

I know my blog is not that popular. I am fairly sure that the Mayor and City Council do NOT read my blog, though they should. None the less, I ran yesterday at Nay Aug Park and wrote about lights being left on during the day. I blogged about that run this morning. Then I went for a run at Nay Aug Park a few hours later, and the lights were all off.

Should I take credit? Probably not. Is the pen mightier than the sword? Maybe. None the less, the lights were off today. The run wasn't bad either. There were a lot of people there enjoying the weather. Some were walking their dogs and a group was playing football. 
I was running. I had my gloves and my baseball cap on. I had a good sweat going by the end of a few miles. It felt pretty good. I have not been running as much as I should have lately.  I did run today, and that is a good thing.
Be active, be happy

Prepping for Santa

It is almost the holidays. Thanksgiving is next week. Every year Nay Aug Park decorates for the holidays. They put up light deplays throughout the park and many people drive through at night and make a small donation. It is actually pretty nice.

It is more festive to run through the park this time of year. The downside: I really am not a big complainer, but I can never understand why they leave many of the lights on during the day. Not all of them, just some. They are wasting energy, wasting resources, and wasting tax payer money.

I know I took a picture of this flag, and certainly if only this was lit, I would not complain. We need a little more patriotism in our lives. However, Rudolf and others are lit, but not all of the lights. Basically, it is just wasteful laziness.

I encourage everyone to come and see the lights, and make a good donation. Scranton needs the money to help offset bureaucratic stupidity.

Be active, be happy

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Fizzle in the drizzle

Yesterday was a bit muggy for a November day. It was not hot, but it was pretty warm. There was also an on-and-off drizzle. I ran in town. I was just in that kind of mood. It was about 60 degrees when I left my house. I ran into town then towards Greenridge Street. Along this particular route is when I come into contact with the highest number of people parked on the sidewalk. It may not be professional, but as I run in front of a business that has illegally parked cars on their sidewalks, I always flip them off. Occasionally, someone will come out to see what my problem is, and I am always happy to tell them. They never seem to care. I am sure if they started getting ticketed, they would care more, but that is up to the city of Scranton.

Whenever I see a cop on patrol, I stop them to complain. Sometimes the officer says he will take care of it. The next time I go that way though, the problem still exists. For a city that is "distressed" and laying off police officers and firemen, you would think that they would care more about raising revenue. You would think, I guess you would be wrong.

Some day I will get mad enough to sue the city. It is not about the money, just the attention needed to correct a very fixable problem. I guess until that happens, I'm left to gripe, so I will.

Be active,,,, be vocal....

Friday, November 11, 2011

A nice rainy day run

You can  not tell from this picture, but there was a pretty steady drizzle to an outright rain on yesterday's run. I went to Nay Aug Park again, partly because of the rain, and partly because of the earlier sunset. I was in the mood for a longer run, and there I can just keep going, and still always be within a 1/2 mile or so of my van.

I was pleasently surprised to see that many of the trees still had leaves on them. Running through the woods is nice. Running through the woods with brightly colored trees is better. I have read that people that relax when they exercise burn more calories and reduce their blood pressure further. You do your body and your mind better not only when you "move," but also when you "stop to smell the roses."

I suggest that you do move: walk, run, crawl, what ever. I also suggest you stop and look at the world from time to time. Sometimes there is something worth seeing.

Be active, and sometimes stop...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Standard time

Yesterday I ran early. Wednesday is one of my early days at school. Even though I started running about 3 O'clock or so, by the time I finished and walked a few blocks to cool-down, the sun was quickly disappearing behind the buildings.

If I don't start by 3:30, then I end up running in the dark this time of year. I certainly do not mind the dark. Over the years I have put a lot of miles under my feet in the dark. However, even in town, some of the roads are a little dark, and I do not trust every driver that comes my way. Heading down the road in the dark is kind of soothing and relaxing in its own way, encountering cars, not so much.

I will be looking forward to daylight savings time until it gets here. In the mean time, I can run a few days a week, or walk, or ride my stationary bike. Or I could find some other way to entertain myself.

Be active, be happy

Saturday, November 5, 2011

School: a pain in the heiner

A long time ago, I exited an aircraft at about "oh dark thirty." That is military talk for the middle of the night. Before I stood up, my back had a compression fracture (or two, or three). Now when my professors conspire against me and I have to spend several hours in a chair, my sciatic nerve and lower back hurt a bit. I have a whole week's  worth of studying to do this weekend.
To combat this pain, I had to get some blood coursing through my appendages. I went for a run. It is a kind of busy weekend, having to study for a couple of tests, and doing an ad campaign.

Initially, I was a little stiff and my running was tight, however, after a 1/2 mile or so, I began to loosen up and my running became more natural and relaxed. By the time I got back to the house and stretched I was 100% (actually my 100% is only about 75% of normal: "it's not the age it's the mileage").

So a little run, a little stretch, and a little blog, then back to studying. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

By the way, that is me in the picture. It isn't from from my army days, it is from about 2 years ago. Denise, my daughter, wanted to jump for her birthday, and she knew I would do it with her. So we did.

      Does this suit make me look fat?

Be active: a strong mind in a strong body...


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Feelin' testy

e The weather was nice today. It was almost 60 degrees. The snow from the weekend is long gone. I took my GRE this morning, and needed a good run to defrag. Not that this blog is about anything but enjoying life, and being fit enough to do so, I suggest that anyone that plans on taking the GRE (or any other standardized test) study for it.

So, I opted to run. Since the weather was nice I chose to run in town. I ran into town past a few schools and past the courthouse. At the courthouse they have various verteran monuments, including a wall with the names of local men and women that have given the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedoms. Every time I run through town I get aggrevated by the parking, but today I tried to push that aside and just "chill." It didn't work, and I ended up stopping a police car to vent about cars on the sidewalk at a car dealership. Then I proceded on my run.

The run felt good. I got the exercise and the distraction that I needed. I highly recommend this type of diversion to anyone that needs to relax, and unwind.

Be active, this is a test!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

1st snow run

It is snowing today, not just a little, we're talking about 6-8 inches. Of course I had to go for a run. I really enjoy a nice run when it is snowing. I do not like the cold anymore and I only like snow for a few things: it is nice at Christmas, and one or two snow runs, but aside from that, I would rather be in Key West.

Today was a good day for a snow run. It has not been really cold the last few days, staying in the high 40's or 50's, so the snow was not sticking to the roads or sidewalks. I did about 5 miles. The biggest down side was that the weather started as rain and there were ample puddles to run through, though I did not do that intentionally. When it is all done, it was a good run.

Be active, be happy

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Speed 2

There are times when you want to work on speed. Not just a pace which is what I was explaining a few days ago. This is raw speed. As fast as you can move your legs, not a specific pace for a longer distance. Running like this is anaerobic exercise (without air).

That is what I worked on today. I warmed up for about a mile. Then I found a loop that is about a quarter mile circle. I ran slowly for about 2/3 of it, then I ran as fast as I could for the last 1/3. Then around again. It is harder to run all out with repeats than it is to pace yourself, but it helps burn "carry over" calories. Calories that will be used after you stop working out. I did 6 laps like that. My final dash was much slower than my 1st. one. This is one way to build speed into a workout and into your mind-set. If you do races there will be times when you want to speed up and not get passed by someone in your age group. The more often you force your body to do something it isn't fond of doing, the easier it is to get it to comply.

Be active, be happy 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cooler weather

Today was another cool day. I ran this morning at Nay Aug Park again. It was cooler than it had been since April or so. I ran in sweats and a T-shirt, and started out with gloves on. When I run my forearms get warm, but my knees get tight, and my hands get cold. Different people run with different attire. I see some runners in cooler weather with shorts on and a long sleeve T-shirt. My knees would kill me running like that.

When you work out in cooler weather, you actually burn more calories then when you exercise in warmer weather. Your body has to work harder to warm your body than it does to cool your body. The harder your body works, the more calories you will burn. Remember that when you are looking for an excuse not to go outside into the cool weather. Just lace your shoes up, and get out there.

Be active, be happy

Friday, October 21, 2011

Trail Running

It was a bit cool today and I decided on a trail run. I mention Nay Aug Park from time to time. They have a series of interconnected loops there, most of which are paved. They do have one loop that is not paved. The unpaved loop is Davis Trail. At the beginning of the trail (or end if you go in the other direction) is a small war memorial.

I'm not sure of the distance of the trail because you can start on  the trail and go onto a road, then onto a paved trail, then back to Davis Trail. I usually run about 3 to 4 miles, partially on a trail and part on paved road.
I managed to break a sweat about a mile into my run. The trail actually keeps you a little warmer. It is in the shade, but the trees reduce the wind. I like the sun warming me, but I can run without it as long as I don't have to run in the wind. I do not like running in the wind. I can not let the weather make me wimp out though.

Be active, be happy, no wimps allowed

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Need for Speed

Can you run at a 5 minute mile pace? I can. Well, perhaps not for a mile, but if you want to run at a 5 minute mile pace, you need to practice that. You need to teach your body to run at that pace, and how it feels.

The easiest place to find and train for that pace, is on a track. Yesterday I went to East Stroudsburg University's track. I used to do it quite often but I have not run on their track in over a decade.

So how do you train for a 5 minute mile pace? Well, let's start with a little math. On a track there are 4 laps to a mile. That means if you go around the track 4 times in 5 minutes, that is a 5 minute mile. However, if you can not do that, you can still find and train your body for that pace. Perhaps you can run 2 laps in 2 1/2 minutes. This is much easier, and your body will learn the pace. Still too hard? How about 1 lap in 1 1/4 minutes? That's 75 seconds to get around the track one time. This in NOT an unattainable goal. It is not easy, but it is not impossible. Even a 1/2 of a lap in 37 seconds, or the straights (110 meters) in 18 seconds. Thats is fairly easy if you run with any regularity. Once you find the pace, the more often you run at that pace, the more ingrained in your "muscle memory" it will become.

This is teaching your body a pace, so you can build up to a 5 minute mile. Do not sprint as fast as you can. Pace yourself at one of the distances above. Teach your body to run at that pace (or whatever pace YOU decide), then you can add distance at that pace to your runs. With practice and time, you may just find yourself running all of your miles at a five minute pace.

Be active, be happy

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Atlantic City

We went for a vacation day in Atlantic City, NJ  this weekend. We got there on Friday night. Once we checked in, we went for a walk. About a mile away is the Irish Pub. There we had a couple of beers and some dinner. I had the fish and chips. I know that deep fried foods are not the best for you, but anything in moderation. Plus, I read somewhere that if you eat seafood once a week, it reduces your chances of a stroke by approximately 60%.

I do try to eat tuna or some fish at least once a week. Too much seafood can actually lead to mercury poisoning, depending on where they catch what you eat. So, we had our beers and I had my fish, threw back a shot of Tullamore Dew (it was, after all, an Irish pub), then a stroll back to the casino.

What does all this have to do with fitness? Not much, unless you think that everyone is fit enough to walk a couple of miles (plus at least a mile within the casino). They are not. This blog is not about getting as fit as a marathon runner. This blog is about being fit enough to leave your house. It is about being fit enough to walk to a bar. It is about being fit enough to walk along the beach on a breezy morning with a cup of coffee in one hand, and a beautiful woman in the other. This blog is about being fit enough to enjoy life. I am and I do.

Be active, be happy, play

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Damp day run

It is a damp, rainy day. Tuesdays and Thursdays are my long days at school. If I don't get there early (around 9) then it is hard to find a parking spot. Yet my last class does not get out until almost 7 PM. I only have 3 classes on these days so that leaves me with over a 3 hour break.

Today I opted to use that time to go for a run. I did it a few times in the spring, but I have been lazy this semester. Not really lazy, because scholastically, I am getting my tush spanked (NOT in a good way). It is my last semester and it is close to being the hardest for some reason. It is not killing me, but it seems like I always have a few things to do.

So anyway, I went for a run.  It was not too far, maybe 3 or so miles. Basically, I ran around the college plus about 2 blocks in each direction. It was damp and cool, but not cold. All in all, it felt pretty good. It is impossible to run around ESU without incurring a hill or two, much like Scranton. So I got my run in, had my shower, at the "Rec Center," and did my blog. I did it all with time to spare for a snack and some reading before my next class. It felt much better getting that accomplished than just sitting around.

Be active, be happy

Monday, October 10, 2011

My little circuit

The weather was pretty nice today, so I went on a little circuit run at Nay Aug Park. I did a warm up of about a mile then went to this little circle there. It is about 100 yards in diameter, with picnic tables scattered about. What I do is pick out a table. I do 10 push-ups on it, then run the circle. Each time I get to that particular table I do something a little different. I do push-ups, followed by sit-ups, followed by dips then step-ups (stepping onto the bench: 10 times left leg leading, 10 times right leg). This is followed by 10 jumping-jacks. That is one "set." I do 3 sets. Between each exercise I run one lap. Once complete, I do about another mile or so. Then a little walk to cool down and then a stretch.

This is a workout I like to do. I'm not recommending it, although I always feel better when I'm done. I'm just saying what I do. You need to figure out what works for you. Do my workout or do your own workout, but do something.

Be active, be happy

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Steamtown Marathon

Today is the Steamtown Marathon. It is 26.2 miles of running. I have never run a marathon, but it is on my "bucket list." It is nice that Scranton has so many running events in this area.

It is really something to be ashamed of that, in this area, they refuse to keep the sidewalks clear of ILLEGALLY parked cars. There is no way to move around town on the sidewalks without having to walk around cars that are blocking the path. You can not walk, run, push a stroller or use a wheelchair. You can not walk to the mall, to school, to the Steamtown Train Museum or to a park. You can not train for this race or for any other run/walk event that takes place in Scranton with all of the vehicles illegally parked.

There are many people in the area that want to be fit and active, and the city of Scranton refuses to help. Obesity is at epidemic rates, and our city could not do less to ensure access to public areas. They are not compliant with Americans With Disabilities guidelines, and they are not compliant with the law.

Be active, be happy, do not go gently to that good night....

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Lake Scranton

Yesterday was another nice day. When I got home from school I went to Lake Scranton for a run. It is paved there and it is well marked. The course around the lake is 3 1/2 miles. A lot of people walk or run there.

I hadn't run there since early summer so it was a nice change. It is not very challenging, but it is not entirely flat either. When you run a course like this, a lot of times you see runners coming the other way, or they pass you running the same way. Yesterday for the first time that I can remember, a guy passed me running opposite me, and  before I finished my lap, he passed me again. Nothing makes you feel older or slower than being lapped. After I finished running, I was walking it off, and I saw him milling around a little. I introduced myself and was happy to find out that he is active duty Army. He seemed to be in his early 20's so I figured if I had to get lapped, I prefer it be someone like that. I was not really hurt by his speed and my lack of speed, but he did get my attention.

Fast or slow, the important thing is to go.....

Be active, be happy

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Quit griping

When you're griping about your sore legs, your sore feet, or your sore anything, shut up and remember this kid.

I got sent this through Facebook, from a Lance Smith connection (I personally have no idea who that is), but if you can look at this picture and snivel - grow up. There were words that accompanied the picture:

                                                 If you can’t fly ~ then run
                                                 If you can’t run ~ then walk
                                                 If can’t walk ~ then crawl
                                                 But whatever you do…
                                                                                                  You MUST keep moving forward!
I went for a run today, did a little circuit thing that I do, I'll write about it next time. This kid should have priority.
Be active, be happy, quit sniveling

Monday, October 3, 2011

Another rainy day

It has been raining quite a bit in the last few weeks. So much so, that many of the neighboring towns have flooded. Today, again it was rainy. It is my early day from class, so when I got home I went for a run. I went to Nay Aug Park because when I run in town I run on the streets, and when its rainy, I don't trust every vehicle that I encounter. I don't bounce nearly as well as I used to.

The temperature was in the mid 50's as I trudged through the rain. Pretty cool. I encountered only a few people walking their dogs, and didn't come across any other runners. I ran about 5 miles. Once I warmed up it felt pretty good and I still managed to sweat pretty well.

After I run, I always walk a few blocks or so. It is important to cool down after exercising. It helps rid your body of lactic acid and other by-products. Then a good stretch.

If I only exercised on nice weather days, I would not have exercised much in the last month. I could have worked out indoors, but I'm an outdoors kind of guy.

Indoors or out, rainy or dry, do something today.

Be active, be happy

Pumpkin time

Its the first week of October, and fall is in the air. Yesterday, Joann and I decided to go to a farm nearby and pick up a pumpkin and some produce. After a nice ride in the country, we found the farm that we were looking for.

We walked the small field that contained all of the pumpkins. We picked a small one (about basketball size), and carried it to the farmer. It was a little rainy out. Now I do not consider walking around a farm in the rain, carrying a pumpkin, that big of deal. Yet I know that there are people my age, or even younger that cannot accomplish this simple act.

Did riding back roads and walking around a farm burn a lot of calories? Did I feel the burn in my biceps from carrying the pumpkin? No and no. But, it did get us out. It got us off the couch (even though  the Raiders were on TV). We were at least minimally active. It was good for us physically and emotionally. It was a good thing to do.

Be active, be happy

Sunday, October 2, 2011

My Buddy Paul

                                                       I have a friend, Paul, that is a few years younger than me. He is more    what this blog is about than I am. Paul is a Philosophy Professor at The University of Scranton and at Keystone College. He is much more cerebral than physical.

I see Paul most weekends at Poor Richard's Pub. If you watch "The Office" it  is mentioned there from time to time. We have played darts and drank many beers over the years.

A couple of years ago, Paul's belly was a little bigger than he wanted, and his blood pressure was a little high. He began watching his diet, mostly just cutting back his snacking and switching to a lighter beer. He also began using the stairs to get around college. Weight  began to drop off. A year later he started to walk, either outside to get some fresh air, or on a tread mill that he bought.

Now, Paul is about 60 pounds lighter than he had been a few years ago, and his blood pressure is down. He still likes to snack, and he still likes his beer. He did not have to go through a grand restructuring to attain his goals. He just chipped at it a little at a time, and he continues to monitor his habits.

Paul did it, and you can too. Just take small steps, but do take steps, no matter how small.

Be active, be happy

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Commercial PT

I'm sitting on my couch, just relaxing, with a twist. Sometimes I do something that I initiated decades ago. I call it "Commercial PT." It is a pretty simple idea. Every time a commercial comes on television (roughly every 10 minutes or so) get down on the floor and do 10 push-ups (or sit-ups). PT stands for Physical Training.

You could really do almost anything. You could do 10 push-ups or 5 sit-ups. You could do jumping jacks, squats or toe touches. Doing anything, is better than just sitting there. You will not get all sweaty with this 30 second workout. You will however, gain strength. You will burn a few calories. You will increase blood flow a little.

Doing 10 push-ups at every commercial from 8 o'clock until 10 o'clock is over 120 push-ups. When was the last time you did 120 push-ups, either at once or in a day? Yet at only 10 at a time it is an attainable goal. You could do 60 push-ups and 60 sit-ups.  Mix it up and have fun.

You really don't wanna watch those commercials all of the time anyway. Doing Commercial PT will also have the added benefit of keeping you from the kitchen. Stronger, fitter, thinner, its a win-win-win situation.

Be active, be happy

Friday, September 30, 2011

Running down the road

Sometimes when I run, I am able to forget about fighting with the significant other, the screaming kids, the cat fur on my best dark pants, and the boss/professor that is stressing me. I can breathe deep, feel the sun on my face and occasionally I'll cross another runner's path and I'll enjoy the view for just a moment (I'm old, not dead).

These are just a few of the reasons I run. Yeah, it helps me keep my weight down (I do enjoy food), and running makes me feel a little more alive, but I really enjoy the way it helps me "defrag."

In 1972 (yes, I was a sophomore in high school) The Eagles released a song that had been written by Glenn Frey and Jackson Browne. In it you can hear the words: "I'm running down the road tryin' to loosen my load..." That describes many of my runs.

When you're stressed do NOT kick the dog, scream at your life partner (or even the person that you barely know), just lace up your sneakers and hit the street. Your sanity will endure one more day.

Be active, be happy

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sunny day

Monday was unseasonably warm. Not stifling, but mid 80's. All in all a good day to go for a run or walk. I opted to run. Running is my thing, it need not be yours. Walking is actually a much better choice. It has all of the benefits of running:  fresh air; exercise; but none of the impact. Impact is the enemy. Impact will tear up your ankles, your knees and your hips.

When I run (even at my slow pace) I impact all of my landing-foot side's  (right side or left side depending on the foot) joints with 2 1/2 times my body weight each time I go from sidewalk to road. That means that when I run off the sidewalk to cross a street, my right foot (or left) makes contact with the road at about 500 pounds of force. That force goes right into my ankle, right up to my knee, and continues to my hip. My back will also feel the force of this pounding. If my shoes are just a little worn out, the impact will be intensified.

I seldom run on the sidewalk, I run on the road, and stay on the road, unless I am in town. Then because of traffic, I use the sidewalk. On a normal foot strike, without launching myself from a sidewalk, I still impact the ground at almost twice my body weight, or at almost 400 pounds of force.

I should be walking. I know its safer for my joints to walk. I enjoy walking, I just happen to enjoy running more.

Be active, be happy

Monday, September 26, 2011


On Saturday I went to a wedding reception. It was a good time. A little food, a little drink and a little dancing.

You walk or run a little, and you find that the walk from a few blocks away to the reception hall isn’t so bad. If you don’t get any exercise, you may find the walk a little daunting. The food was buffet style, and I always eat my veggies. A toast or two later and you find yourself on the dance floor.
I prefer to slow dance because I think that I look a little less like a dork. Eventually though, I find myself on the dance floor trying to cope with a faster tempo. It might be a line dance (Electric Slide), or just a more lively tune from any time in the last 3 or so decades. You try not to flail. Without prejudice, the woman across from you leans in, then she smiles and whispers softly, “you dance like a white man.”  You laugh and continue.

You are in good enough shape to dance without having a heart attack. You are fit enough to enjoy life. You look around at the guys that are sitting and watching. You see material stretched tight across bellies; you see stomachs that are hiding belts.  You know that as bad as you might look, it is still better than them.
Be active, be happy, dance

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Surprise race

Yesterday, I was blogging about working out in the weather. Once I posted, I began watching the news. I watched in time to see the Public Service Bulletin Board (basically the civic events: pancake breakfasts, church picnics, and that sort of thing).

I saw that there was a 5K race in Scranton. The race was a charity event (as many are) to raise money for a K-9 dog for the police department. I admit that I sometines butt heads with the police over their enforcement (or lack there of) of parking laws. However, I do support the police when possible and since I was going to run anyway, I ran their race.

I've run road races before, though not in a couple of decades, so I had a good idea what to expect. Perhaps you would not. The race was less than a mile from my house, so I walked over. I got there about 40 minutes before the start. I asked if I could still register and with a yes, I paid my $25, got a T-shirt and talked with a few other runners.

Sometimes it is not possible to register on race day, so I really do not recommend waiting. I did not know about this event beforehand, and I was in the area, so I had less to lose by just showing up. Races are social events, not hug and exchange numbers things (usually), but a "Hey didn't I see you at: a park; a race or almost anywhere else".

I run pretty slowly, so I did not win, not even for my age group. Yet I felt like a winner. You always do when you share a race or other physical event with a few hundred or few thousand people. It was a personal record for me. I said that I ran road races before, but this was my first 5K, so as slow as I may have been, it was still my fastest.

Some runners pass you, and you pass others. If you're not out to win, its no big deal. You greet some, and some greet you. Words of encouragement are exchanged. As you near the finish line, you hear cheers and applause. Twenty minutes after the winners crossed the finish line, and still they applaud you. Its a good feeling.

There are bottles of water at the finish line. There are also bananas and bagels and a variety of things. This particular 5K was a walk/run, which means that you did not have to run to participate and there were a number of people walking. After everyone finishes and relaxes a few minutes, awards are given out. Different races have different catagories, but generally they are divided by age groups of roughly 10 years.

When you're ready I recommend trying one. You'll have fun and meet like-minded people.

Be active, be happy

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Rainy day

I realize that I am a little more stubborn, or hardcore or just an idiot, but it's a rainy day, and I'm going for a run in a few minutes. Many competitive runners or other athletes have a way of ignoring the weather, but I am hardly competitive at this stage.

None the less, it has always been my thought that if people can die from neglect in bad weather, if they can do things to make themselves in worse shape or more obese, then it seems fair to be able to do things that make you fitter. Which will you be doing today? Are you going to become a little bit of a better you today, or get just a little worse off? You can't really stay the same. The world is not a stagnant thing, and neither is your body. It is continuously building itself up and breaking itself down. It is building muscle or depositing fat.

If you want to be a better you, try to do something everyday. You don't have to run in the rain, or through a tornado, but if its your day to walk, and it's a little cool or wet or sunny, walk anyway. It will not only make you physically stronger, it will make you mentally stronger. It will make you a little more hardcore, a little more forthright, a little tenacious.

Whether you do something outside today, or inside, do something. Walk, run, ride a bike or just stretch. Do something.

Be active, be happy

Monday, September 19, 2011

Not a costly investment

Resistance training is using weights or bands to create resistance in muscle contraction. So, does that mean you have to spend a lot of money on equipment? The short answer is no. However, it really depends on what you are trying to do and what your goals are.

If you want to look like you spend 20 plus hours a week at the gym, guess what, you have to spend 20 hours a week at the gym (or close to it, and perhaps you may need more than 20 hours). If you want to look like perhaps you could lose a few pounds ( just a few), but enjoy being active and enjoy every calorie that passes your lips, then you can create your own resistance at low or no cost.

Building muscle mass requires heavy weights for low repetitions. Toning requires lower weights and more repetitions. If you are not a "gym rat" I suggest toning. Toning can be accomplished with things that are around the house. Cans of food weigh a pound or so. A gallon of water weighs 8.33 pounds. You can use bricks or cinder blocks. Be imaginative, or just go to the local "big box" store and spend a few bucks.

Using lighter weights does not preclude you from gaining muscle. You WILL gain muscle. Your arms will be more muscular, as will your chest and legs if you put in the work. You will not, however, be "bulky."

Other resistance training includes push-ups and pull-ups. Each additional type of training that you do, will combine with the other types to make you more fit and a happier person. The more that you do, the more that you will be able to do. Try it and you'll see.

Be active, be happy

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Enjoying the weather

As a change in seasons approaches, we are losing our chance to enjoy the warmth of summer. Today it was in the 80's, and I had to go for a run. I was compelled. I was drawn to the outdoors. As I ran around Nay Aug Park, I noticed that some of the leaves were already changing colors.

The leaves are changing, as we all are. Are you ready to turn yellow as the leaves do? Yellow, the metaphor for fear. Is the fear of dying from a heart attack stronger than the fear of looking like a fool as you get down on the floor and do your first push-up in years?
 How much would your wife or husband or partner laugh in comparison to how much they would appreciate you being fit, or happy, or (shall we say) capable?

Do a push-up, than do another. Or do 3 each day this week, and maybe next week you can do 5. Someone once said that the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. Take that step. Go for that walk. Do that push-up. Do that crunch, Touch that toe.

A changing of the season. Fall, winter, spring. Are you dying or starting anew?

Be active, be happy

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Getting around Scranton

Scranton is not a bad town to run around. There are many runners here and I almost always find someone else running or walking while I am out. There is a Boston qualifier marathon here in the fall, and there are other races throughout the year. Many races have a national or even international following.

Yesterday was a big cancer 5K walk/run, the Race For the Cure. There were a few thousand participants. That is "good stuff." The problem that I had, and continue to have with Scranton, is that along the route, and within a couple of  blocks of the festivities, were a number of cars parked on the sidewalks. If someone wanted to go to the event from a mile away, they would have to walk in the street to get there. If someone lost a leg because of bone cancer (or any other reason), and was stuck in a wheelchair, they would be denied access just because some ignorant person wanted to park their car on the sidewalk. On top of that, though it IS illegal to park on the sidewalk in Scranton, the police ignored the infraction.

Scranton, has to wake up and start enforcing these laws. It can be a leader in the fitness world, or it could find itself losing what good it has accomplished.

Be active, be happy

Monday, September 5, 2011

What I'm not

I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on television. I did play a doctor once or twice when I was otherwise "entertaining," but that is another story for another time. For the record though, I have also played a pizza delivery guy.

So, before you try anything that I might suggest, make sure that you have the approval of a real doctor. You should also NEVER try to do anything that does not feel right to you.

It is Labor Day weekend. In Scranton, that means "La Festa Italiana." Just as everyone is Irish on St. Patrick's Day in this area, everyone is at least a little Italian on Labor Day weekend.

La Festa Italiana is pretty much a food festival. It is veal and peppers, cannolis and pizza. There is music in the air, and red sauce on your shirt. It is also crowded enough, that a "Jazzi" is hard to operate. So when you go, and I do suggest that you go, be fit enough to walk around. Be fit enough to park two or three blocks away, and weave your way around the vendors.

If you don't walk now, perhaps it is a good time to start. If you never walk anywhere, try walking around the block or so after dinner. It will only take a few minutes. You'll feel better, and you may even get to meet and greet a neighbor.

Now if you're twenty years old, you may be thinking: what good is walking around a block going to do me? But if you're twenty years old and weigh 400 pounds, or are 40, 50 or 60 years old or older, and never exercise, perhaps you should just try it and see.

You don't have to go crazy to make progress and become more fit. Just do one little thing that you haven't done in a while. It could be walking one block, doing one push-up, or throwing a football or baseball back and forth with your kid.

Be active, be happy.