Thursday, May 29, 2014


     Walls can keep people out or close people inside.  I guess it just depends on how you look at it.  Either way, people construct them for a reason.
     You can construct walls out of a lot of things.  They are not necessarily material.  You can use excuses and problems.  You can use time and the fact that you are busy as a wall against doing things.
Whatever you are using, you are closing yourself away from that which you do not wish to do.
      The sun is shining, the weather is getting nicer and you don't need to stand in the shadow of that wall anymore.  Convince yourself that life would be better with more exercise, with better food choices and with taking the first steps. Get some Vitamin D and check out all of the wonderful sites at Nay Aug or Lake Scranton or wherever you like to go where you live.   Life is too short to sit behind that wall.    

Time to get outside and get moving...

Monday, May 26, 2014

Don't Be So Negative

      Over and over again, I hear people say "I can't do it".  If you are saying that, you have already convinced yourself that no matter what it is, you are not going to even try to do it.  You have already lost.
     We need to change that phrase to "I'll try to do it".  Your body is an amazing, surprisingly strong vessel.  If you feed it the right fuel, it will feel better and you will look better.  If you move, a little bit at a time, you will develop stronger muscles and joints and become more flexible.  You just have to make a plan and start.
     A plan can be as simple as eating a salad today with your hot dog and walking to the store to buy the lettuce.  If you normally eat a hot dog on a bun, then you eat a hamburger on a bun, you might want to skip one bun and have some watermelon or sweet corn.  Or both.  Whatever your plan it is positive steps toward a positive life.
       In closing, please remember our veterans and active military today.  It's not about the picnic, the grill or the parties, it's about being grateful.

Make a positive plan.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Be Inspired

     I decided to run on the treadmill this morning.  We have a lot going on today and I didn't want to get aggravated by the people pulling forward into the crosswalks, the people not stopping at all, the not handicapped cars parked in the handicapped spaces and the cars parked all over the sidewalks.  These are some of the challenges I face when I go out for a run, when I go to the store, etc.
      I am hoping that I am inspired enough to do something about these issues.  They make me angry. You can't be angry and let them define you and eat you up inside without deciding to do something about them.  You need to act on things you are passionate about.
     I am hoping that challenges inspire you.  When you feel like you can't do something, you can.  You are defeated if you don't even try.  If you feel like you can never take a walk, you need to put one foot in front of the other and try.  Your journey begins with a single step.  Don't be discouraged by the fact that you don't feel like you can exercise.  It may be just that you need to be inspired.  Is there something you want to do or somewhere you want to go and you would like to look better?  Maybe you just want to move better and become more flexible.  Or there is something you want to wear, but you just can't fit in it.  If it inspires you to move, then move.  You will feel better about yourself and you will be inspired to continue.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Small Steps

     You may feel like you are in a rut and that you don't have the ability to change.  You get up, shower, go to work, come home, have dinner, etc. without ever thinking that things could be a little different.  Or you are just too tired to change them. You have no energy or positive outlook.
     With each new day, things can change.  If you make one little change, it can lead to bigger and better things for you.  Starting small by eating a little better can have large rewards.  Change your daily doughnut for a hard boiled egg.  Or two.  Loaded with protein they will keep you feeling full in the  morning.  Skipping lunch?  Don't.  A salad with some chicken or eating some soup will stop you from reaching for that candy bar an hour later.  Subs and fast food for dinner?  Put something on the grill and save hundreds of calories.  Snacking on apples with peanut butter may sound fattening to you, but the protein peanut butter packs along with healthy oils to keep your skin from drying out and your organs functioning properly is just what you need.  You don't need to make all of the changes at once.  One change here or there, will benefit you.
You are given a new day, don't waste it.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Two Minutes Is Better Than Nothing

     Like I always say, if you can run two minutes, run two minutes.  It is so much better than no minutes. Eventually two minutes becomes five, five becomes ten and so on until you are running or walking and feeling healthier.  Not everyone is a runner.  Walking is something most people can do for a few minutes. Take a brief walk at break or lunch at work, it clears your mind and strengthens your muscles.  It just makes you feel better.  When you feel better, you work more efficiently and you have more stamina.          The weather is not an excuse anymore.  The winter was long and I don't think any of us thought it would ever end. I like running outside at Nay Aug Park, at Lake Scranton or over to Green Ridge and back. I like getting fresh air and seeing people and things as the world unfolds.  Pick a route that appeals to you and just go. It doesn't matter how far you go or how long you go, just that you go.

Two minutes is two minutes...