Monday, May 12, 2014

Small Steps

     You may feel like you are in a rut and that you don't have the ability to change.  You get up, shower, go to work, come home, have dinner, etc. without ever thinking that things could be a little different.  Or you are just too tired to change them. You have no energy or positive outlook.
     With each new day, things can change.  If you make one little change, it can lead to bigger and better things for you.  Starting small by eating a little better can have large rewards.  Change your daily doughnut for a hard boiled egg.  Or two.  Loaded with protein they will keep you feeling full in the  morning.  Skipping lunch?  Don't.  A salad with some chicken or eating some soup will stop you from reaching for that candy bar an hour later.  Subs and fast food for dinner?  Put something on the grill and save hundreds of calories.  Snacking on apples with peanut butter may sound fattening to you, but the protein peanut butter packs along with healthy oils to keep your skin from drying out and your organs functioning properly is just what you need.  You don't need to make all of the changes at once.  One change here or there, will benefit you.
You are given a new day, don't waste it.

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