Monday, February 29, 2016

Steps That Count

     I have to admit, when I got my FitBit as a Christmas present, I was excited.  It's a great way to track your steps, your workouts, etc. and keep all of that information in your own personal file on the Internet.  You set goals for yourself and your device tracks how you are doing with those goals on a daily basis.  It challenges you to meet those goals and perhaps, exceed them.
     You don't need a FitBit, however, to know how you are doing. The more you move on a daily basis, your body will let you know how you are doing.  When you walk or stretch, you become more flexible and feel better. It doesn't have to be the 10,000 steps my FitBit wants me to complete every day.  It can be a ten minute walk on your break or lunch at work.  It can be jumping on your mini-trampoline while watching TV to improve your circulation and help your lymphatic system. Remember that no matter what Captain Picard has to say -- all steps count.  All movement counts.
    Everything that you put into your mouth matters.  I am not saying to stop eating what you love.  I am telling you to think about it first.  Losing weight is have to burn more calories than you ingest.  Yes simple in theory, but not in practice.  Do the best you can.  If you don't need the bun on that burger, get it wrapped in lettuce.  Instead of that baked potato, get an extra vegetable.  Don't make it hard on yourself, just think about what you want to eat and how hard you work not to gain will make better choices.

The biggest step is always the first one.