Wednesday, April 30, 2014

What Step Are You On?

     It's all in the attitude to reach an altitude.  What step are you at?  You can say you can't do it, convince yourself you can't do it and explain that you don't know how to do it.  That gets you nowhere fast and it will frustrate you.  The steps you need to be on, to accomplish anything and move upward are "How do I do it?" and "I'll try to do it."
     You put one step in front of the other.  You don't have to try really hard to climb the stairs.  You don't even have to climb the stairs, you just have to walk.  Or bike or garden or mow the lawn.
     The weather is getting nicer now.  It is a good time to clear your head, to take deep breaths to feel better about your body and your life after a very, very long winter.  Shake off the winter clothes, pull some shorts out and get some sun.  Vitamin D.  We live like mushrooms for so long, we need to grow and come out from under the rock.  Then it all turns into I can and will do it. It's going to be 70 tomorrow and I think I am going to Nay Aug Park for my run.  Time to give the treadmill a little rest.  Meet me there, OK?

Just do it.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Looking Ahead

     Life keeps moving ahead.  We hope that things in our life continue along positively and that we are healthy.  We wish nothing but the best in life for our family and friends.
     There are some things we can't control in our life. Most of the things we can, even though we don't realize it or feel helpless about taking that control. Our health may be one of those things we think we can't do anything about and we kind of give up on.  Usually, it's because we don't like change and we don't know where to start.
     My wife says she needs to exercise more.  She gets on the treadmill on the weekend, but during the week she comes home from work tired and looking to make dinner, do dishes and  laundry and get on the computer to catch up with her family and friends.  Her idea to make a change, now that the weather is nicer, is to take a small walk at work everyday, on breaks, to help her feel better.
     That's all it takes.  A small positive change.  Take a walk at break or lunch.  Take a walk over to the convenient mart to get a lottery ticket after work.  If you only walk a few blocks, it's more than you have been walking.  What else can you do?  If you eat chips every day with your sandwich, maybe two or three days a week you can swap them out for crispy carrots or celery.  Instead of parking right next to the store, you can park in the last row of the lot and walk a little distance to the door.  Nothing has to be drastic or big to see change.

You will feel better, I promise....

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Try It-You'll Like It!

     As they get ready in Boston to run the marathon, we remember the tragedy that destroyed so many lives last year.  When I hear all of the stories of courage and strength, it makes me more determined than ever to live every day the best way I can.
     Yesterday it was a beautiful day so I went for a run at Nay Aug Park.  They are doing some construction there, making the park nicer for people to enjoy.  It was a little cool, but very enjoyable.  I have a tendency to run on the treadmill and not go running outside.  I get aggravated by people parking on the sidewalks, people stopping and pulling up into the crosswalks so you can't get by them, people parking in all of the fire lanes and by the hydrants, etc.  I forget about how nice it is to be outside and to see people, to see trees and flowers now in bloom, to see fellow runners and walkers enjoying life.  I always say, it does not matter what you do toward becoming a little healthier, just do something.  Take a walk, buy a bike and go for a ride, go outside and rake your lawn and sweep your sidewalks. Put on some gloves and pick up some litter strolling over a block or two in your neighborhood.  Enjoy the spring weather that we are finally getting and make a promise to do a little something to get moving, even if it is only once or twice a week.

Try it--you'll like it!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Carbohydrates and You.

     I had the opportunity to go to a taping of the Dr. Oz show in NYC on Friday with my wife.  Not a great experience but I didn't mind it as much as she did.  The last segment taped was a segment on carbohydrates and how this physician/researcher claimed that they can cause dementia.  He suggested that you have no more than 11 grams of carbohydrates per day.  Yes, per day.  To put that into perspective, a half of a cup of grapes has 14.2 grams of carbohydrates.  As we head into Easter, a handful of jelly beans has around 30 grams of carbohydrates.  You can have one moderately large tangerine a day.  It has 11 grams.  Hallelujah.
     As you know, I am an "everything in moderation" kind of guy.  I believe if you exercise by doing what you can and eat less sugar and carbohydrates, you will live a healthier life.  If  you just take a walk- you are making an effort to lead a healthier life. We need a variety of things to live and be happy.  I like a variety of vegetables, beans, meat, fruit and snacks.  I like fresh fruit and vegetables and they are good for you.  A half a cup of carrots has 6 grams of carbohydrates.  Is this guy trying to tell me that I've overdone it by eating a cup of carrots every day?  How ridiculous.  You need to eat fat to keep your brain and organs functioning.  Carbohydrates give you energy to burn in your daily activities and your exercising.  You need lean protein as well..  Eggs, fish, poultry, meat are all necessary to keep the body moving, to keep the brain clear.  Everything in moderation.

Eat to live and be happier and healthier.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Growth in Scranton

Yesterday was a first for Scranton, the first 1/2 marathon was run here. It is nice to be part of a city that encourages health and wellness. Unfortunately there are still cars parked all over the sidewalks, keeping the car dealerships and car owners happy, but making people walk in the street as a consequence. The cars on the sidewalks are breaking the law and endangering the life and liberty of pedestrians (especially those going to and from school). To have a running city we need to be able to run through town. That means having clear sidewalks and a safe environment. It is important to be able to get around town for our wellness and to ensure quality of life as we age. I suggest anyone that sees a car parked on the sidewalk call the police, city council and the mayor. Call everyone and anyone that you can think of. The police are getting paid from OUR tax dollars to ensure our safety and well being. And they are NOT living u[ to that agreement.

Exercise your legs and your rights.