Friday, May 6, 2016

We're Heading to Warm Weather

      It's the time of the year, when the Tiki bar is opening up and the shorts and swimsuits are coming out that we start to think about how we look.  Some dread even thinking about hitting the swimming pool or the beach.  My wife is one of them.  She changes her closet from winter to summer, and never, ever thinks about a bathing suit, although she has lost some weight over the last six or seven months.
     I have always exercised but I do fluctuate with my weight.  I believe that getting on the scale is not the true test of how fit or in shape you are.  Only you know how you feel.  You need to be able to walk without becoming short of breath and do things with your friends and family.
      Recently our treadmill started to die.  The weather has been miserable and I don't feel like running in the cold rain.  There is so much more you can do though. Come up with your own routine, but do something.   I use a combination of the exercise bike, the trampoline and the steps that go into the basement to mix it up.  I also use large hand weights and a straight back chair, getting up and down off of the chair while lifting the weights.  I stretch in the living room.  I do what I can with what I have here.  No matter what you choose to do...just move.

Walk, run, jump's all good.