Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Success Or Failure...Up To You

Image may contain: text      With New Year's Day rapidly approaching, we start to look at our lives--what we would like to keep and what we would like to change.  I am more of a "Bucket List" person, constantly adding to a list of things I would like to do before I die. My wife makes that "lose 20 lbs" and give up diet soda pair of resolutions, every year.  I always advise that it is better to make a resolution to be healthy-- to eat healthier, to move more, to be more active and to keep flexible.  I do encourage giving up diet soda and artificial sweeteners as they are the worst things for your body.
     Sometimes our goals are in sync. We both still want to ride on a zip-line when the weather gets nicer,  Sometimes they aren't.  I like to "Run Around Scranton". She likes to wait in the bar that the run begins at until I finish.  I have no problem with that.
     As human beings, we have a natural tendency to seek blame for our problems.  Stress at work or at home causes us to eat and gain weight.  It was just too hard on the holidays to pass up all of the treats and drinks. We have to run around after work, so we can't exercise as much as we would like to. The list of excuses can be endless, but they are just that--excuses.  You can seek the help of Weight Watchers, NutriSystem, Atkins, Shakeology--to reach your weight loss goals.  However, if you don't want to lose weight, are not ready to lose weight or are going to make more excuses, you might as well save your money. You have the power to change your life and only you can make it happen.  Your determination, your lifestyle changes, your ability to cope with all that gets thrown at you--these are the deciding factors in keeping your resolutions.  It is about balance, not deprivation, starvation or unhappiness.  It is about keeping yourself moving and motivated.  It is your attitude that will determine your ability to succeed.

Attitude is everything...

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Season of Balance

Image result for motivation memes       No matter what you do, you are still doing more than someone who is sitting on the couch watching TV.   If you go outside tonight while it's snowing and sweep the sidewalk or clean off the cars, or you carry those decorations up from the cellar, you are burning calories.  I have been so busy lately, this morning I felt stiff and I knew I just needed to get up and move.  I jumped on the trampoline and did some stretches and it made a big difference in how I finished my day. 
      This is a season of balance.  Trying to balance work, Christmas shopping, dinners or day trips with family or friends, lunch or dinner on the go, can be hard on your body.    Making better choices during the daytime, packing better lunches for work and moving a little more on your free time can help.  Park in the back of the parking lot when you go to the store or the mall so that you have to walk further to the door.  Carry the bags into your house one at a time so that you get the extra benefit of walking back and forth. Buy extra fruit and vegetables for snacking and for sharing with your guests.  While you can still put out the cookies and nut roll, it is nice to have choices. Keep yourself hydrated and don't drink diet soda.  Keep away from the artificial sweeteners and additives. As I always say, the key to life is balance and you should always enjoy yourself.                                                                                                                                                                               Life is short, enjoy it!


Friday, December 2, 2016

Enjoy Yourself

     My wife and I like to take rides and go to fairs, festivals, flea markets and breweries.  This time of year, as all of the shopping and decorating is underway, we like to go to to places like Christkindlmarkt in Mifflinburg, then to Country Cupboard in Lewisburg for dinner and shopping.  There are a lot of festivals, craft shows and marketplaces--each offering their share of smoked meats, cheeses, sweets and alcohol. This can provide a challenge when you want to be healthy and still enjoy yourself.
     As I have always said, the key to life is balance.  Exercise and a balanced diet during the week--like my daily dose of beans--will enable you to indulge on the weekends or on special occasions.  I like to make soup from beans because they are a good source of protein, B Vitamins, fiber, iron and potassium.  They also keep you feeling fuller longer, lower cholesterol and keep blood sugar levels balanced.
    If you exercise a little bit every day, or a little more intensely a few times a week, you keep yourself flexible and you are more likely to be able to walk farther and stand longer.  Take a walk, go for a run, jump on the trampoline, rake the leaves...do whatever you can to move as often as you can. Stretch your muscles and lift some light weights to keep your heart pumping.  You can enjoy all that this time of year has to offer if you just maintain your balance.

        Have fun and keep moving!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

The Bacon 5K

       Yesterday, I went to Coca-Cola Park Stadium to run in the Bacon 5k Challenge at the home of the Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs.  Some people were taking part in the "challenger" part of the race where you run half way, eat half of a pound of bacon, then run the other half.  I chose not to do that.  I did enjoy running around the outside of the stadium and then back through the infield to the finish line.  My wife came with me for moral support.
       After the 5k, we the went to the Easton Farmers' Market and the River Fest taking place where the Lehigh River meets the Delaware River.  We drank some beer, ate some brisket and beans, and had a nice day.  We bought some vegetables and fruit and ate some ice cream at Dairy Queen.
      My wife and I have been watching what we eat and I try to exercise every day.  She has increased her walking. The key to being happy, though, is balance. In life it is balance on the inside as well as the outside.  Balance with work and home. Balance with keeping healthy, exercise and enjoying life.  If you eat well during the week, you can have extra things on the weekend.  If you exercise you can keep flexible enough to enjoy your time off.  Maintaining balance with your diet and with your daily exercise routine is a good thing.  Taking time to do the things you love and eat some different things is even better.

Maintain balance for a happy life...

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Supporting Your Community and Keeping Fit

       Last night my wife and I attended the St. Joseph Center festival on the grounds of Marywood University.  The picture is just a "crowd shot" and as you can see, the grounds were full of people.  We like to go to this festival as it supports the most important work done by the St. Joseph Center in caring for children and adults with severe disabilities.
     While we are not currently eating a lot of "festival" food, like funnel cakes or potato pancakes, we like to buy raffle tickets, basket tickets, white elephant items, etc. to support this organization and their mission.
      I also like walking from the parking spot up the hill and through the grounds of Marywood and then walking all around and meeting people and being social.  I always tell you that a social life is as important a part of being fit and maintaining good mental faculties as exercise is.
      Looking around the grounds, the IHM Sisters and the aides are wheeling some of the residents around the picnic.  When you look at the children and adults that this festival benefits, you know that you are doing the right thing by being there.  One thing I also know, you and I have nothing to complain about.  We are able to walk, talk, laugh and eat without assistance. We bitch about everything...being hot, having to walk a little, not getting exactly what we want to eat, having to go to work every day.  But, these children and adults put it all into perspective.  You  need to be grateful for what you are given and take care of your body and your mind.

"Quit yer bitchin..."

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Ready For An "Adventure"

    A few years ago, on Father's Day, my daughter and I competed at Pocono Raceway in a "Warrior Dash."  It was challenging, but we had fun doing it.  My wife and my son-in-law cheered us on with beers in hand...thinking we were just a little crazy for doing it.
     I like to do different things like white-water rafting, horseback riding, shooting or sky-diving. I would like to try new things like zip-lining or even the flying trapeze school in New York City...just once.  It keeps the adrenaline pumping and it makes you feel alive, accomplished.
     To participate in these activities though, you have got to maintain a certain degree of fitness. You need to walk, run, bike or just jump on a trampoline a few times a week, if not daily.  You have to walk the steps instead of taking the elevator. You can park at the back of the parking lot at the store or mall and get those extra steps in heading to the door. You have to get the blood pumping and the lungs working.  I try to do something every day, whether it is running, riding the exercise bike, stretching my muscles, jumping on the little trampoline, walking up and down the steps to the cellar or a combination of several things.  I mix it up a little bit during the week.  I want to be ready for any challenge or charity run or any number of things that can come my way.
      I am not suggesting that you need to be ready to do any of those challenging things.  I am suggesting that you need to be ready to participate in your life, be better at your job, be able to move around on vacation or keep up with your children.  Keep moving, keep flexible, keep your food choices reasonable... including lots of summer fruits and vegetables...and enjoy your life at whatever age you have achieved.

Friday, May 6, 2016

We're Heading to Warm Weather

      It's the time of the year, when the Tiki bar is opening up and the shorts and swimsuits are coming out that we start to think about how we look.  Some dread even thinking about hitting the swimming pool or the beach.  My wife is one of them.  She changes her closet from winter to summer, and never, ever thinks about a bathing suit, although she has lost some weight over the last six or seven months.
     I have always exercised but I do fluctuate with my weight.  I believe that getting on the scale is not the true test of how fit or in shape you are.  Only you know how you feel.  You need to be able to walk without becoming short of breath and do things with your friends and family.
      Recently our treadmill started to die.  The weather has been miserable and I don't feel like running in the cold rain.  There is so much more you can do though. Come up with your own routine, but do something.   I use a combination of the exercise bike, the trampoline and the steps that go into the basement to mix it up.  I also use large hand weights and a straight back chair, getting up and down off of the chair while lifting the weights.  I stretch in the living room.  I do what I can with what I have here.  No matter what you choose to do...just move.

Walk, run, jump dance...it's all good.  

Saturday, April 23, 2016

You Are A Work In Progress

     When you make the decision to live a healthier lifestyle, it is a personal one.  You can do it for your family because you want to live longer to enjoy your children and grandchildren.  You can do it because it is a job or wellness requirement for where you work. However, ultimately, the decision to exercise, to eat better, to take care of yourself has to come from inside yourself.  It has to be for you.
      You are a work in progress.  Every day of your life you decide how you want to live it, what you want to do, how you want to make it count.  Small steps, any steps will move you forward.
     The weather is getting better for running or walking outside.  The sun is shining and providing the Vitamin D that is so valuable to your body.  You will feel better and have more energy if you get moving.  Your joints will not ache as much if you continue to use them every day.  As we age, we lose the flexibility and the mobility we had when we were younger.  You can gain some of that back through exercise.  You will definitely feel better.

It's nice out...get out and get moving...

Sunday, April 10, 2016

What Are You Eating?

        I normally don't speak a lot in this blog about what you should or should not eat.  For the most part, I say "anything in moderation". However, more significant research has come to light about GMOs, pesticides, diet soda, sugar and processed foods.  In general, as a rule of thumb, the more processed the food is the worse it is for you.  
      Genetically modified organisms are plants and living things whose genetic material has been artificially manipulated in a lab. Most developed countries do not consider GMOs to be safe.
Diet soda is being found to significantly contribute to the obesity epidemic in the United States.  As a rule, anything white is a processed food and not considered as healthy for you as  a natural, whole grain.  I personally try to eat more whole grains, more wraps instead of bread, more beans and vegetables, and I drink nothing diet at all.  Fresh fruit and vegetables are always better for you than canned or frozen.  Water is really your best choice for a beverage.
     You can make better choices in your life without giving up things you like.  Add some lemon to your water for flavor.   Eat your sandwich, but eat it with a whole grain wrap or bread.  Drink a beer if you want one, it has hops and barley and is much better for you than diet soda.  Enjoy your life, just think about what you are putting in your body.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Keeping Track

          When I read this, I think of the song... "Free your mind, the rest will follow."  Most of the obstacles we face in our lives come from our heads.  From our brains.  We think too much about doing things and then we don't do them.  If you think you can't do something, then you probably won't be able to do it.  If you think you don't have time to exercise or eat right, then you won't exercise or eat right.
       You have to think about what you want and how you want to achieve it.  If you need to keep a log of daily goals or get a Fit Bit to help you keep and set goals then do that.  I also guarantee that you have no idea what you put into your mouth until you write it all down as you eat it.   If you need to keep track daily of the things that help you stay fit and healthy, then do it.  I know that you will keep doing the right things.

Get your mind in line with your life.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Get The Stress Out

     I always feel better when I exercise.  Even if I just get on the treadmill or the trampoline for a little while, I feel better about my day and I have a better outlook on things.  My wife is probably tired of my advice to her when she is stressed out or upset about life.  I tell her to take a walk, jump on the trampoline and just let go of the stress. She would rather eat.   At the time, eating provides the "comfort" she is seeking, but usually provides her with hours of regret afterward.
     I also know when I am angry, if I leave the situation and go for a run around the city or Nay Aug Park, I always come back clearer and calmer.
     I think that most Physicians are too busy to focus on the real issues behind weight gain, anxiety and depression.  We lead sedentary lives, we eat food filled with chemicals and fillers, we don't have time to cook meals and we have stressful jobs and lives.  Eating  well requires time and preparation.  Exercise requires giving up some time as well.  You need to take that time in your day to prepare, to care about your life, to decompress and shake off the stress.

Taking time for yourself is the best time spent.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Steps That Count

     I have to admit, when I got my FitBit as a Christmas present, I was excited.  It's a great way to track your steps, your workouts, etc. and keep all of that information in your own personal file on the Internet.  You set goals for yourself and your device tracks how you are doing with those goals on a daily basis.  It challenges you to meet those goals and perhaps, exceed them.
     You don't need a FitBit, however, to know how you are doing. The more you move on a daily basis, your body will let you know how you are doing.  When you walk or stretch, you become more flexible and feel better. It doesn't have to be the 10,000 steps my FitBit wants me to complete every day.  It can be a ten minute walk on your break or lunch at work.  It can be jumping on your mini-trampoline while watching TV to improve your circulation and help your lymphatic system. Remember that no matter what Captain Picard has to say -- all steps count.  All movement counts.
    Everything that you put into your mouth matters.  I am not saying to stop eating what you love.  I am telling you to think about it first.  Losing weight is simple...you have to burn more calories than you ingest.  Yes simple in theory, but not in practice.  Do the best you can.  If you don't need the bun on that burger, get it wrapped in lettuce.  Instead of that baked potato, get an extra vegetable.  Don't make it hard on yourself, just think about what you want to eat and how hard you work not to gain weight...you will make better choices.

The biggest step is always the first one.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Weather Excuses

         I'm not a big fan of cold weather. I could stand it to a point, but when the wind is blowing and the sidewalk is icy, I prefer to stay indoors and find some activity that will contribute to my fitness, and still allow me not to freeze. Today it is in the lower 30s which is still OK with me, but tomorrow when it will be 8 degrees, I will be indoors. I will spend some time on the treadmill, and perhaps going up and down the stairs, or on the exercise bike.
     I will most likely get to enjoy my mini-trampoline, rebounding. These trampolines are fairly inexpensive, don't take up much room, and still manage to get your heart pumping. They also help move your lymph fluid around which helps rid your bodies of toxins. You can YOUTUBE "rebounding" and learn the benefits of using a mini-trampoline. Just remember that it is YOUTUBE, and some of the advice is not always exactly correct. Do a little research and do what is right for you. For me, I do a routine that lasts about 10-15 minutes and it is a combination of play and workout. I do not have the best knees and I have a relatively new hip, but I do not have any issues with the impact received bouncing on a trampoline. 
     Whether you use a bike, treadmill, a trampoline, or just do calisthenics, you can stay out of the weather and still get your heart pumping and get just a little bit fitter. Of course, you can choose to be more "hard-core" than I am, and go out in the cold and do your training there. Either way, have fun, and play hard.

In or Out...Have Fun

Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year

Well, it looks like we made it through another year. Many of you will be making resolutions to exercise more, eat better, or spend extra time with your family. Today I went for a run, as is usual for the first day of the year. But that is not for everyone, nor should it be. You should make some type of promise to yourself or others that this year, you will be a better you. You should be a little more active, eat a little better, be more social or take up a new habit that will lead to more cognitive proficiency. You can do crossword puzzles, or "Lumosity,"   learn a new language or an instrument. Work your body, your brain and your social skills. Do as much as you can this year, to make sure that you will still be here next year. Yet, you do not merely want to exist this year or next. You want to be fit enough and sane enough to enjoy the year. That enjoyment will only come from within, so this year, be the best YOU, that you can be.

Make 2016 YOUR year...