Sunday, June 19, 2016

Ready For An "Adventure"

    A few years ago, on Father's Day, my daughter and I competed at Pocono Raceway in a "Warrior Dash."  It was challenging, but we had fun doing it.  My wife and my son-in-law cheered us on with beers in hand...thinking we were just a little crazy for doing it.
     I like to do different things like white-water rafting, horseback riding, shooting or sky-diving. I would like to try new things like zip-lining or even the flying trapeze school in New York City...just once.  It keeps the adrenaline pumping and it makes you feel alive, accomplished.
     To participate in these activities though, you have got to maintain a certain degree of fitness. You need to walk, run, bike or just jump on a trampoline a few times a week, if not daily.  You have to walk the steps instead of taking the elevator. You can park at the back of the parking lot at the store or mall and get those extra steps in heading to the door. You have to get the blood pumping and the lungs working.  I try to do something every day, whether it is running, riding the exercise bike, stretching my muscles, jumping on the little trampoline, walking up and down the steps to the cellar or a combination of several things.  I mix it up a little bit during the week.  I want to be ready for any challenge or charity run or any number of things that can come my way.
      I am not suggesting that you need to be ready to do any of those challenging things.  I am suggesting that you need to be ready to participate in your life, be better at your job, be able to move around on vacation or keep up with your children.  Keep moving, keep flexible, keep your food choices reasonable... including lots of summer fruits and vegetables...and enjoy your life at whatever age you have achieved.

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