Saturday, July 14, 2012

The weather was nice today, none the less I hit the treadmill. The thing that I have grown to appreciate about the treadmill, is that I can control the speed better. I can set the speed at a 6 minute mile pace (or 9 minute mile pace) and teach my muscles how to move at that speed. That gets into my brain and my muscle memory. To be able to rely on my muscles to move at a specific speed, my muscles have to know what that speed feels like. That way I can train to run a 30 minute 5K, or a 20 minute 5K. I can also teach my muscles a speed that is currently beyond my long distance capability. I can run at a 4 minute mile pace for any where from 1 to 4 minutes than slow down to a 8 minute pace before my heart explodes, or I trip and get shot out the window behind me from the treadmill. Then fast again. I have almost total control. I don't trust that the treadmill is 100% accurate (though I do believe it is close), that is why I have ALMOST total control. I could also do that at a track with more accuracy, but there is not an accessible track nearby. So, if you have a treadmill, or a track nearby, do a little speed play. It will make the run a little more fun and a little more exciting. Indoors or out, do something beside "VEG."

Be active, be happy.

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