Sunday, January 15, 2012

Chill in the air

Yesterday the temperture was in the teens with a 12 MPH wind, today it was colder with a little less wind. I ran both days. I did not overly enjoy either run. After a mile or so it wasn't too bad, but I never like running in the cold wind. By the time I got back home after running for 3 or 4 miles in, I had a pretty good sweat going and my knee was fairly well loosened up. I did do a walk to cool down and was happy to get back indoors. Then a quick stretch and very welcoming hot shower. I did get a little heated up over the fact that as I passed Sharons Diner (on Washington Ave.) where the cops eat, the one that is owned by a relative of a fireman, two cops went by and the fact that someone was parked on the sidewalk, making it impossible to walk, let alone use a wheelchair, the cops did not even notice. I am pretty much pro-cop, but if they refuse to do their job, refuse to create revenue, then they deserve to lose their jobs. I'm not saying it's corruption. Maybe it is just being inept or lazy. But it definitly one of those three things. In the meantime no handicapped person could use the sidewalk. No child could walk. No woman could push a stroller.

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