Saturday, December 3, 2011

Run-down town

It was not too bad running today. The weather was in the upper 40's and the sun was out for most of the day. I chose to run in town. About a block from Scranton Prep, a private high school, is a dismal looking side of town. There are a few warehouses there, some for sale, some unused and some in use but still looking drab.

The show "The Office" uses one of these warehouses in the introduction each week, but I'm not sure which one. They also use a few random shots from around town. One thing that you never see on the show, is the amount of cars parked on the sidewalk. You never see the kids walking in the street on their way to school. You never see veterans or other disabled people in wheelchairs in the road because some ignorant person parked on the sidewalk, and some cop chose to ignore that infraction. Television is pretend though, not real life.

Be active, physically and politically

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