Saturday, October 1, 2011

Commercial PT

I'm sitting on my couch, just relaxing, with a twist. Sometimes I do something that I initiated decades ago. I call it "Commercial PT." It is a pretty simple idea. Every time a commercial comes on television (roughly every 10 minutes or so) get down on the floor and do 10 push-ups (or sit-ups). PT stands for Physical Training.

You could really do almost anything. You could do 10 push-ups or 5 sit-ups. You could do jumping jacks, squats or toe touches. Doing anything, is better than just sitting there. You will not get all sweaty with this 30 second workout. You will however, gain strength. You will burn a few calories. You will increase blood flow a little.

Doing 10 push-ups at every commercial from 8 o'clock until 10 o'clock is over 120 push-ups. When was the last time you did 120 push-ups, either at once or in a day? Yet at only 10 at a time it is an attainable goal. You could do 60 push-ups and 60 sit-ups.  Mix it up and have fun.

You really don't wanna watch those commercials all of the time anyway. Doing Commercial PT will also have the added benefit of keeping you from the kitchen. Stronger, fitter, thinner, its a win-win-win situation.

Be active, be happy

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