Sunday, November 20, 2011

Fast twitch

There are two basic types of skeletal muscle. This is the kind of muscle that is responsible for body movement. I am not talking about voluntary versus involuntary or striated versus cardiac muscles. I am only talking about voluntary skeletal muscle. The muscles that you know as quadraceps or hamstrings. You know them as your biceps and calves.

There are slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscles. Slow twitch muscle are pretty much slow, long endurance muscles. Marathon runners would have more slow twitch mucles. Fast twitch muscles are explosive but tire quickly. Basketball players and football running backs have more of these.

Everyone has some of each. Most people will just naturally have more of one than the other. However, you can increase the type you want by working at specific exercises. If you want more slow twitch muscles, because you want to keep moving for a long time, work on longer, slower workouts. Running 3 plus miles would work for that. If you want more explosive muscles, because you play volleyball or do karate, you can develope these also. One exercise type would be plyometrics. Jumping jacks are a form of plyometrics. Think about anything short term that requires quick movement. Another way to work on fast twtich muscles is sprinting up steps.

You have a combination of both muscle types, and you need both types. Depending on your sport of choice though, you can work on the mucle type you desire. You want to be fit enough to be active and play as you mature, but sometimes you also want to win.

Step up to fitness

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