Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving Thanks

We all have our own little things to be thankful for. I have 3 healthy kids (adults), a good pseudo step son, a couple of ex-wives that never had me arrested or killed. I also have a beautiful woman in my life that most times I get along fine with. I  have sisters and the memory of a brother and nieces and nephews that range in age from 23 to almost 50 years old. I am in fair shape for a guy that has put himself through the stuff that I've done (I have put myself through some rigorous demands).

I could try to remember the good times that I had watching television, or playing board games (I've done those things too). But I choose to remember the times that I was active, or at least watched activity. I remember watching my daughter play soccer, my boys play football, and all of us doing karate. I am thankful for those memories. I remember running while my kids rode bicycles along with me. I am also thankful for the memory of a nephew today.

There is a 10 mile race in Berwick, which is a town about 45 minutes from here. Every Thanksgiving they have the "Race for the Diamonds." I did that race once. It happened around 1980, maybe '81. My nephew who was about 12 at the time had started running and wanted to run it with me. So we did.  Needless to say, neither of us won, but we both finished. That was his 1st race. He went on to run many more races. A few years ago, my nephew, Bobby John (no one but family called him that, I'm sure), exited an aircraft for a fun day of skydiving. His parachute deployed, then malfunctioned. I know I could be thankful for the dinner we shared, or the pie, but I'm thankful for that run, and the sweat we both shed on that Thanksgiving Day so long ago.

Be Active, make memories

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